Parker Palmer On Vocation

I just finished reading ‘Let Your Life Speak’ by Parker J. Palmer. He’s an author, educator and activist focused on community, leadership, spirituality and personal growth.
The book is essentially a collection of Palmer’s essays about listening to your inner voice or true self, finding your vocation in life, crawling out of the depths of depression and finding the path towards meaning and fulfillment.
I found his essays to be deeply thought provoking and timely given I’m turning forty in October and wrestling with some big life questions. This book has helped me find some clarity by tuning into my inner voice, recognizing what gives me energy and asking myself what’s truly important.
There is one passage in the book that really struck a nerve for me. I wanted to share it with you in hope that it speaks to you as well.
“Vocation at it’s deepest level is, “This is something I can’t not do, for reasons I’m unable to explain to anyone else and don’t fully understand myself but that are nonetheless compelling.”
What is your vocation?